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Maybe you’ve seen them before: direct sales consultants selling their products through Facebook Live. While the idea is newer to Facebook, the idea isn’t new. Shows on QVC and HSN have been selling through live shows for decades. Today, let’s look how you can implement this in your Silhouette or Cricut craft business.
Weeks Before the Event
- Create all the products you will have for sale. In live shows, you can’t use mockups and you’ll need to have a number of products made before the event. You can make one of each product or several – it’s your choice.
- Decide on a date and time. When looking at your calendar, take into account what your customers might be doing on an average day: Do they work during the day? Are they free in the evenings or weekends? Does the time you chose work well for people across several time zones?
- Advertise, advertise, advertise! I’d suggest you make up graphics to advertise the time and date of your live event. You can make your advertising fun by saying that shoppers can bring their own snacks and drinks – or even shop in their pajamas.
- Plan giveaway products. If you give away products throughout your event, you are likely to keep people tuned in through the whole thing.
Event Prep
- Set up your space. In the days before the event, you’ll want to set up your space. You can use anywhere in your home, but be sure that it has good lighting (near a window is perfect), is quiet, and is free from distractions (like significant others, children, and televisions or phones).
- Setup idea. An easy setup is to use a long table with your products on display on both the table and the wall behind you. Then, stand behind the table as you show off your products.
- Prepare notes to help guide you during the event. This could be the order of products to show off, the size of the products, the prices, and the numbers.
- Know your technology. Be sure you know how to work any technology component you use during the broadcast. There is nothing worse than tuning into a Facebook event and the host is fiddling around with the camera!
At the Event
- Sell! Once your live shopping event starts, introduce yourself and start selling! You should hold up each product in front of the camera and give basic details about it (size, colors, ideas on how to use it, what makes it awesome).
- Remind shoppers how to buy. As you see new shoppers join your event, welcome them and remind them how to order. There are two easy ways to collect orders during a live event: 1) Have customers comment the item, size or color, and email address. After the event, you’d send invoices to each customer to pay. 2) Use a program like CommentSold or Soldsie.
- Answer shopper questions. Don’t ignore shoppers while using Facebook Live. Respond to their questions and ask them to be involved.
- Give stuff away. The absolute easiest way to keep shoppers through the entire event is to give away stuff at the beginning, middle, and end of the event. Require participation to be able to win giveaways.
After the Event
- Send invoices. Send invoices to shoppers as quickly after the event as you can if needed.
- Follow up. Be sure to follow up with shoppers who had questions or requested custom orders during the event.
- Ship items. Don’t forget to ship items to your shoppers in a timely manner.
- Start planning your next event! Remember, after each event take a few minutes to write down what worked and what didn’t so you’ll remember for next time.
Need tips for Facebook Live? Head to this post.
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Since 2015, Christine Schinagl has been helping crafters start and run craft businesses through her blog, Cutting for Business. As a Silhouette and Cricut crafter herself, she has a unique take on what works and what doesn’t work in the craft business world. She also enjoys teaching other crafters how to create digital SVG designs, available through the Design with Me series.