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Free Cancer SVG – Find a Cure

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The old saying is, “When it rains, it pours”. Last week, this couldn’t have been more true.

Long time Cutting for Business readers know that my father is both an avid blog reader and has been fighting cancer for two years. While prepping for a hurricane last Saturday, my dad lost his battle with colon cancer. He passed away quietly in hospice care.

In memory of him, I’m sharing a free cancer SVG – Find a Cure. When cutting, you can choose your material color to support the cancer or disease of your choice.

Here is a list of commonly associated colors for various cancers.

Free Cancer SVG - Find a Cure -


Friday 19th of January 2018

I just lost my mother to breast cancer, and father to lung cancer last month, so I feel your pain. God Bless you and your family.


Friday 19th of January 2018

Many blessings to you as you grieve, Vita. ❤️


Wednesday 27th of September 2017

I am very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.


Friday 29th of September 2017

Thank you.


Sunday 24th of September 2017

I am so sorry for your loss! I just finished treatment for colon cancer in February this year. My thoughts and prayers are going up just now for you and your family. I wish I could donate more.


Sunday 24th of September 2017

Thank you Linda! I hope you are cancer free and remain so forever.

Mel McWhite

Thursday 21st of September 2017

So sorry for your loss - it is never easy to lose a parent, no matter how old your are! Prayers for peace for you and your family! Melissa in South Carolina


Friday 22nd of September 2017

Thank you Melissa!


Thursday 21st of September 2017

Thank you for the design. I loss my Mom in March 2017 to Colon Cancer. It was at stage 4 when they found it, she never had a colonoscopy. We had her for one year after the diagnosis. It is crucial that everyone have a colonoscopy. Get screened, I can't say that enough.


Friday 22nd of September 2017

I absolutely agree, Melody!