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4 Tips to Overcome a Disappointing Craft Show

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I’ve said it before and it bears saying again: Craft shows are always a gamble. Despite your best efforts, there’s no guarantee for any show that it will be profitable.

Today, I’m sharing four tips to help you overcome a disappointing craft show.

4 Tips to Overcome a Disappointing Craft Show -

4 Tips to Overcome a Disappointing Craft Show

Don’t Leave Early

You’ll know a few hours into the show how successful the show is. Keep at it through the entire scheduled timeframe. Even if you only stand in front of your booth and pass out business cards to shoppers – you are still getting your business name out there.

Network with Other Vendors

If you are at a craft show and traffic is slow for everyone, take time to walk around and introduce yourself to other vendors. One of my dearest friends and I met over 15 years ago at a failed craft show. We were both selling jewelry – along with everyone else. While I no longer sell jewelry, we still talk weekly and visit each other when we are in the same state. There’s no reason why you couldn’t find a few new friends or a potential business relationship.

Take Notes and Photos Immediately After the Show

Give yourself the opportunity to learn from this ‘bad’ show. How does your set up look? Why do you think things didn’t go well? Did you have enough inventory in several price points and for several demographics? Were your products not a good fit for this type of show? Was the entire show just void of buyers? Did other sellers have a bad show as well? Use your notes to improve on your next show.

Realize that a Disappointing Craft Show May Not Be Your Fault

Unfortunately for show organizers, unsuccessful shows often fall onto their shoulders. As a seller, you aren’t involved in the advertising, show location assignment, or selecting vendors. You cannot (and should not) blame yourself.

No matter the reason for the poor show performance; keep your chin up and starting planning for your next show. ❤️

And please, ask the organizer of the next craft show you attend these questions before you sign up.