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Crafting and running a craft business in today’s modern world can leave you with a lot of clutter. I’m not talking about that holographic vinyl you bought that you still haven’t used (guilty!) or the card stock pack you’ve been swearing to use for two years (guilty again!). Instead, I’m talking about digital clutter.
By clearing digital clutter, it takes less time to find the files you need – and it may even make your computer, tablet, or phone run faster.
Table of Contents

What is Digital Clutter?
Digital clutter can be summed up by disorganization of digital goods. Put simply: it is extra files, unnecessary apps, and excess photos that take up space on your electronic devices. Digital clutter doesn’t just apply to computers – I bet you’ve got digital clutter on your tablet, cloud storage, external hard drive, phone, and social media accounts, too!
Digital Clutter: 9 Things to Get Rid of Now
Free Files that You Won’t Use Again/Ever
Everyone loves free graphics! In fact, when I come across them I usually download them. Sometimes, the file isn’t what I expected it to be. In other cases, I just don’t have the time to use the freebie. Go ahead, free yourself and delete them.
Any Design You’ve Created for One Time Use
Remember that time you made a marathon shirt for your fourth cousin once removed? You probably won’t use that cut file again, so go ahead and delete it.
Font Download Files
If you are like me, you download a lot of fonts. Once the font is installed on your computer, you don’t need to keep the install folder. However, this is one thing that I don’t delete entirely. I move the files over to my Dropbox account and off of my computer. This allows me to keep the install files in case I have computer issues. Don’t have a Dropbox account? Get a Dropbox account.
Photo Bloopers
You know: You took 28 photos to get a perfect one of your newest product. But, did you take the time to delete the bloopers? If not, now is the time!
Online Bookmarks
If there is one terrible habit I have, it’s bookmarking things that I never go back and read. Go through your bookmark list and remove anything you will never read.
Email Subscriptions
Do you get a lot of marketing emails from companies you don’t regularly buy from? If so, unsubscribe from them – your email box will thank you.
Old Emails
While I never delete communications from customers or suppliers because I like having a record to refer to, everything else goes.
Social Media Accounts You Don’t Interact With or View
If you follow a lot of accounts on Instagram or Facebook that you never interact with – get rid of them. A shorter feed will give you more time for other things. (Stop! I better not see you delete Cutting for Business from your feed!)
Apps and Software You Don’t Use
Who needs eight different apps that all do the same thing? Not me – and not you! Pick your favorite one and delete the rest. While you are deleting, delete any apps that you don’t regularly use. Be sure that if you delete an app that has a subscription plan with it that you also cancel the subscription. Otherwise, you’ll be paying for something you no longer have.
Empty the Trash
Whew! After your binge, don’t forget to empty your computer’s recycling bin or trash can.
Already finished? How about head to the craft room and starting cleaning, too?! 😂
Since 2015, Christine Schinagl has been helping crafters start and run craft businesses through her blog, Cutting for Business. As a Silhouette and Cricut crafter herself, she has a unique take on what works and what doesn’t work in the craft business world. She also enjoys teaching other crafters how to create digital SVG designs, available through the Design with Me series.