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11 Questions Your Handmade Product Description Should Answer

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Additionally, I may get commissions for purchases made through other affiliate links in this post.

Yesterday I detailed the importance of the words we as handmade sellers use to get our message to buyers. This is called copywriting. Today, let’s look at all the information that should be included in your product description. Most importantly when selling online: It is your job as the seller to virtually put your product into the hands of the buyer.

11 Questions Your Handmade Product Description Should Answer

  1. What is it? You should be clear in your product description what item is for sale.
  2. Who is the product for? Is your product best suited for kids, teens, adults, or everyone?
  3. What does the customer do with it? Give examples of how your customer can use your product. This can either be in the text, in the accompanying photos, or both.
  4. What size is it? In addition to listing the physical size in your product description, take a photo of your product in use or next to something that buyers know the size of. It’ll help them visualize.
  5. What colors are available? If you offer your product in multiple colors, be sure the options are clear.
  6. What is it made from? Buyers need to know what material the product is. If it is vinyl, state that. If it is paper, let them know that.
  7. How long will it last? If your product has a limited lifespan, be sure that your customer understands this.
  8. How much does it cost? While it doesn’t have to be written out in your descriptions, the price has to be on the page. If you aren’t selling through a marketplace or website, you’ll need to put it in the description.
  9. How many does the buyer get? Whether the customer gets one item or ten, be sure it’s clear.
  10. How long will it take before it will ship? Customers want their products and they want them fast. Let them know how long to expect before they receive their product.
  11. What makes it special/better/different? Last but not least, let the customer know what makes your product special. Is it the way you made it? Is it your customer service? Whatever it is, let them know.

Struggling with product descriptions? My best advice is to have a few non-crafters read your product descriptions. If after reading the product description they have a good idea of what the product is and can tell another person about it, you’ve done a good job.

If you haven’t read the post on copywriting, head here.

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11 Questions Your Handmade Product Description Should Answer in Your Silhouette Cameo or Portrait and Cricut Explore or Maker Small Business - by


Wednesday 2nd of May 2018

I tried to find your book 30 days to start your cricut business. I could not find it on the website. Is it sold out?


Saturday 5th of May 2018

Hello! Here's a link: