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Free Printable Calendar: When to List Your Holiday Craft Products for Sale

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If you are anything like me, time flies! I swear that each time I look at a calendar, I find myself saying, “I can’t believe (insert a month) is already here!” This led me to create a chart detailing when you should list what holiday products for sale.

My downloadable chart breaks down major holidays, seasons, and events throughout the year and makes suggestions for when you should start listing items, and which items you should either pack up for next year or place on sale or clearance – depending on your preferences.

Tip: Watch the Big Box Retailers

Don’t forget to be observant when you are out shopping. Watching when chain stores stock certain items will help you determine when you should list your holiday or seasonal items.

Download the Printable Calendar

Remember, this chart is just a guideline: Some sellers (particularly those on Etsy or those with their own websites) will move all of their out of season products to a category called ‘Holiday’ and leave them up year round. And, be sure to plan to leave yourself enough time to create the items before you begin listing them.

Save this post to Pinterest, then download the printable below.

Free Printable - When to List Craft Products for Sale - Silhouette and Cricut - Portrait, Cameo, Curio, Mint, Explore, Maker, Joy -