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Silhouette and Cricut Small Business Do’s and Don’ts on Pinterest

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Additionally, I may get commissions for purchases made through other affiliate links in this post.

Yesterday I showed you how to create original pins on Pinterest and highlighted the importance of creating pins with your products or links to your store. Today, I’m giving you some additional tips – as well as some things to avoid.

Do’s for Using Pinterest in Your Silhouette or Cricut Business

  • DO be consistent – posting regularly helps your pins be seen by more users.
  • DO include boards and pins that aren’t directly related to your business, but may be of interest to your customers. This is a great way to bring new customers to your profile.
  • DO feel free to use a scheduling program. I personally use BoardBooster to continuously “loop” my pins and add new pins to my boards. This cuts down my Pinterest marketing efforts and you can learn more about Boardbooster in this post.
  • DO delete pins. If you pinned things that users are not repinning, just delete it – no need to take up valuable space!
  • DO use keyword rich descriptions and include a link to your website on your original pins.
  • DO remember the demographics of Pinterest. Pinterest is mainly a female audience, so if your pin doesn’t appeal to women – it likely won’t perform well.
  • DO join group boards and pin to them. If you are interested, Cutting for Business has a recently launched Pinterest group board. Email me at with your Pinterest email address and I will add you.

Don’ts for Using Pinterest in Your Silhouette or Cricut Business

  • DON’T use a personal account for your business. A business account is free to sign up for and provides great analytics for your account.
  • DON’T pin “anything and everything”. Keep your boards focused on your customer base.
  • DON’T forget to change your board covers regularly.
  • DON’T forget to change the order of your boards regularly. Keep your seasonal boards in order of the next upcoming season or holiday.
  • DON’T be afraid to pin the same pin to more than one board. Followers may not subscribe to all of your boards, so if it fits on more than one board, put it on both.
  • DON’T repin a pin without clicking it and checking the source. There is a lot of spam on Pinterest (these are links that don’t link to what the image suggests). Don’t help the spammers!

What do’s and don’ts would you add to this list? Leave them in the comments.

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