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Recently, I’ve seen more and more Cutting for Business readers making the switch from selling on social media and marketplaces to selling on their own websites. Yay!
If you take a look at my recommended path for craft sellers, you’ll see that this is my recommended end goal for everyone.
If you are in the process of starting your own website, here’s a list of 10 things your craft business website needs.
Table of Contents

10 Things Your Craft Business Website Needs
Clear, Crisp, Stunning Product Photos
Simply put, great photos sell your products. Grab some tips for photographing your products in this post.
Easy to Use Navigation
Your website should be easy to navigate. If it isn’t, your customer may get frustrated and leave.
Mobile Friendly Pages
Mobile usage and traffic is at an all time high. If your site doesn’t have an easy to use mobile site, get one.
A Frequently Asked Questions Page
A FAQ page can help customers get answers fast, but it can also cut down on the amount of questions you receive.
A Contact Page
It’s so simple, but so many new website owners forget to put in a contact page. Also, a link to your contact page should appear on every page of your website.
An About Page
“Stay at home mom crafter, ready to make anything you can dream up!” This doesn’t cut it, readers. A well done, genuine About page helps your business connect with customers. Read more about crafting an effective About page in this post.
Links to Social Media
You spent a lot of time building and working your social media, so don’t forget to include links to all social media networks on your website.
Sign Up Form for Your Newsletter
I feel like I keep repeating this, but your craft business needs a mailing list. Head here for reasons why you want one and ideas of what to include in it.
Customer Testimonials
Potential customers have come to rely on online testimonials and reviews while online shopping. Be sure your craft business website has testimonials on it.
SSL Security
Your website should be secure if you are selling products. In fact, Google is now including SSL security in their ranking algorithms. Google wants all websites secured.
Take a few minutes today to head to your website and double check to make sure it has all ten things listed above.
Since 2015, Christine Schinagl has been helping crafters start and run craft businesses through her blog, Cutting for Business. As a Silhouette and Cricut crafter herself, she has a unique take on what works and what doesn’t work in the craft business world. She also enjoys teaching other crafters how to create digital SVG designs, available through the Design with Me series.