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If you’ve never shared anything you’ve read on Cutting for Business, I urge you to share this article. I recently had a sweet reader write to me stating that she didn’t realize what the big deal with copyrights on Etsy were, as you could easily add a disclaimer at the end of your listing get around any copyright or trademark issues.

The popular disclaimer, seen in various listings across the internet reads something like this:
“This item is not a licensed product. I do not claim ownership of any character or image used in my designs. Copyrights and/or trademarks of any character and/or image used belong to their respective owners and are not being sold.”
Just as an FYI – this disclaimer does not protect you or your listing from a potential copyright infringement lawsuit or issues with the copyright or trademark owner. This disclaimer will not protect you from the trademark or copyright holder taking action against you. Why? Because you are still profiting from a design that you do not have the rights to.
If you are currently using this disclaimer in your Etsy shop, your website, or any other store or listings, I urge you to remove the item and don’t list it again. In most cases, you do not own the rights to any cartoon character, current song lyric, or any other company logo and cannot legally sell products with these designs.
For other articles on copyright and trademark infringements on Cutting for Business, click here.
Since 2015, Christine Schinagl has been helping crafters start and run craft businesses through her blog, Cutting for Business. As a Silhouette and Cricut crafter herself, she has a unique take on what works and what doesn’t work in the craft business world. She also enjoys teaching other crafters how to create digital SVG designs, available through the Design with Me series.